Laura Garcia Navarrete’s hourly rate is £250. However, where possible, we will give you a fixed price.

Please get in touch with us for an estimate.

Powers of Attorney and Wills have a fixed price of £400.00. To this you need to add the cost of the Apostille of the Hague (issued by the Foreign Office) and the English Notary’s fee for witnessing the signature and sealing the document.

For a purchase my fees are based on 1% to 3%  of the purchase price (depending on the options taken), however a minimum fee of £1400.00 for properties valued up to 200.000€, with a non refundable deposit based on the cost of the transaction payable on initial instructions being received. Disbursements will be charged separately (see below).

The 1% rate and minimum fee also applies if we deal with a sale.

For an English Grant only our fee is £1400 (when a cross border element is involved). Our fees the administration of the full estate would depend on the size of the estate. We will provide an estimate on application.

For further information on charges please see our Terms of Business page.

Other advice

Where it is not possible to provide a fixed estimate, 0ur fees will be based on the time we have spent in dealing with the advice at a charge rate of £250.00 an hour.

We will give you an estimate at the outset of the matter quoting a range within which we expect the cost to fall – for instance between £500 – £700.

If the estimate needs revising we will tell you before incurring further expense.


Disbursements are fees payable to a third party. If fees are payable to third parties we will ask you for cleared funds before the liability is incurred.


When referral to another professional is required, such as a Notario or Abogado, we will refer on the basis of the expertise needed and will not receive a commission from the firm or person to whom we have made the referral. In this way you can be sure that our advice is independent.